Sunday 18 August 2013

Black Heart Background Free Download Photos Images Pictures

Black Heart Background Biography

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Who am I? I'm not black. Every body assumes that because of my name. Ace Of Black Hearts(This mean to me I've been hurt so many times that my heart has turned pitch black.) . Whatever you assumed about me you are sadly mistaken, I have no English, Poetry, Music, or Writing background. I write for the love of writing, and to never forget. I read a lot, but there is nothing specific that I favor other then the genre I like is fantasy. I'm very political motivated in some of my writings. But my activism, only goes as far writing and signing petitions. I'm 29 years old. I love computers, operating systems, and programming again it isn't a job yet I have years of experience with it. I favor Linux over windows all day long. In fact these days I don't really have much to do with windows anymore. It lacks the security that I want in my computer system especially one I gonna pay for.

I worked as bucket operator for three years. I'm specifically trimmed, and cut trees from a bucket, you know the 'unnn', 'unnn' from chain saw that's me. I can operate up to the medium size ones safely any bigger then that I can't handle them. I can run a motorized pole saw. I can change bars and chains, sharpen and tighten so on... I'm not really good with rope but eh we can't be all perfect.

I'm working again so I don't have as much time to write. So if it seems like I'm not commenting or voting be patient. Friends come first, poems that I like come second, third are request. And my own writing come before all the others. Not enough time to do everything I want.

I live in between two small towns. There is beautiful woods, behind my house that go on all the train tracks, then continue go until where the Watsontown brickyard is excavating for brick. In front of my house is a state route that runs along the river for a good while. The view of the river is beautiful, though if it ever really floods this is one of the first places thats get evacuated. It is a flood plain. I've lived near trains and rivers all my life and it is where I feel the most at peace.

My education is limited dropping out of high school, though I did acquire my g.e.d. later on my life. I could blame this on anybody I want, but really it was my fault. It is the on thing I truly regret in my life, though I have never looked back. Why worry about what you can't fix?

I believe in god, yet I don't believe in organized religions. To me faith is about more then just religion it's about people, it's about humanity.

I love music of all kinds but country, and this is kinda of ironic considering where I live but eh sometimes I am the exception to the rule.

I use to be a big gamer but haven't been one for years.
I don't know but I feel to much time is wasted on them, and not time is spent in the world around us.

I have just recently quit smoking again, so if a little snippy don't mind me. I'm trying to weed out of my life those things I really don't need. And an addiction is one of them. Plus it cost to much money these days. Also it is bad for me and I know it.

If you find error in my poetry please let me know.

If you have a problem with one of my poems, please contact me before you contact, because I don't want offend anyone and will reword the poem if at all possible. If you have a problem with me commenting on your poems, please also let me know because I don't know I offended you unless you tell me.
And I will try not do it, if you say something to me about it.
Black Heart Background Free Download Photos Images Pictures
Black Heart Background Free Download Photos Images Pictures
Black Heart Background Free Download Photos Images Pictures
Black Heart Background Free Download Photos Images Pictures
Black Heart Background Free Download Photos Images Pictures
Black Heart Background Free Download Photos Images Pictures
Black Heart Background Free Download Photos Images Pictures
Black Heart Background Free Download Photos Images Pictures
Black Heart Background Free Download Photos Images Pictures
Black Heart Background Free Download Photos Images Pictures
Black Heart Background Free Download Photos Images Pictures        

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